Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Last Winter.............part.2.............. Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe


  1. Mas, baru sadar... ini internet cafe ya?

    jadi muncul ide baru buat jalan2 dengan 18 kippu nih:P

  2. yup, itu internet cafe, Bran..
    cuma memang ruang2 dalam internet cafe itu beda2... ada yg kojin, ada yg sofa tuk berdua, ada yg matras kyk di atas, ada juga yg kyk kamar washitsu (bisa muat 4 orang). Tiap2 internet cafe biasanya punya beberapa jenis ruang, jadi cek dulu sebelum daftar.. :-)

    yg penting juga tuk dicek adalah, apakah ada freedrink atau enggak... biasanya sih ada... tp klo pas dpt yg g ada, kecewa bgt tuh...

  3. waduh.. kok ada rame2 ya?
    kalo rame2 gitu.... bayarnya doble nggak mas? atau bayar jatah 1 orang, tapi ada kemungkinan share ma orang lain?

  4. bayar itu sejumlah orang yg masuk, Bran.. g bisa yg bayar 1 orang tp make bedua.
    selain itu,biasanya tuk ruang2 yg bisa masuk bnyk, minimal hrs 2 orang daftarnya.

  5. akyu lebih seneng ngenet yg lesehan duduknya,.. disini soale ada yg lesehan,.. hehehe,.. jd klo libur di rumah aja,.bisa langsung ngenet sambil berlesehan ria n smbil ngemil,.soale disini juga ada yg jual makanan ringan,.. depan mata lagi,..jadi ga usah repot keluar segala,.. hohoho,..

  6. akyu lebih seneng ngenet yg lesehan duduknya,.. disini soale ada yg lesehan,.. hehehe,.. jd klo libur di rumah aja,.bisa langsung ngenet sambil berlesehan ria n smbil ngemil,.soale disini juga ada yg jual makanan ringan,.. depan mata lagi,..jadi ga usah repot keluar segala,.. hohoho,..

  7. cepetan pulang K,.. betah amat di sono,...

    ayooooo cepet pulaaannnggggg,.... pulanggggggggg,....

  8. klo di jepang enaknya minumnya bisa gratis... pilihannya bnyk lagi..
    kopi, coklat, teh, cola, dll..

  9. jelas-jelas judulnya dah pake "Last.." masih dibilang "betah amat.."


  10. Kobe.. i have a friend in Kobe.. he's japanese muslim lho...
    still.. full of ancient places...
    wish indoneshia lookalike japan for ancient places...

  11. Kobe is very famous as city that has moslem community, since the famous Masjid Kobe is over there..

    btw, the first Jamaah Tabligh who came to my apartement when i just arrived for few days in Japan, is a japanese moslem, masya Allah ^_^

  12. but too much tera and jinja in Kyoto, which i really dont like, cos it is the place for worshipping berhala .
    May Allah give more japanese hidayah.

  13. so, are there so many tablighi ??
    i think there are so many bahaism .. (gomen).
    because japanese all i know like syncretism..
    sumtimes they combine xtian with buddhist or any other religion.
    and he ever said: bahaism is nice??
    ah... shiranai.. he he
    but it's been a long time not to meet him since we had a webcam, he might be busy..
    we know, a japanese.. very very hard worker ...
    hope he is fine there.. always miss him as a brother in islam.. ^_^

  14. yeah, even my friend from kyoto always chat about jinja,, but i just like to watch it. kamakura for me is nice...
    but long time ago, i ever entered a jinja, and made a whisper with my friend..
    o, Lord..please forgive me, bcos i didnt know that it's prohibited..
    May Allah give more japanese hidayah-->ameen, ameen..

  15. bahaism?
    i`m not detail about that....
    tablighi is so many around japan, with difference nationality of course.
    alhamdulillah, tablighi made a lot of mosque here.
